Specially recommended site for Earning Money for our users.

Grand Master Chess

Grand Master Chess:-Grand Master Chess cannot possibly leave any professional or amateur chess player indifferent to all the new possibilities. The game features multi-playing; a new sound effects algorithm lets you choose your own mp3 directory. Computer intellect adjustment is capable of selecting preset installations. The scaling algorithm is so remarkable that you can actually see all the small details of the chess figures. Some sets feature real figures, such as antique Iranian chess, provided be Geogiy Ivanov.While the design varies from traditional to futuristic, flexible settings allow the levels to vary for people with different skills. There is a three-level hint (showing whether the move is available, showing all possible moves and giving advice.) Grand Master Chess supports network gaming, so you can communicate with your opponent, as well as enjoy a network chat. Network gaming lets you choose your own partners, according to your preferences or manually.

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Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil 4:-
Resident Evil 4 marks a new chapter in the Resident Evil series. You'll rejoin Leon S. Kennedy six years after his first mission as a rookie cop from Resident Evil 2.

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The House of the Dead III

The House of the Dead III Explore a post-apocalyptic wasteland of unrelenting terror! Keep both barrels loaded and bring a friend along.House of the Dead III's storyline has you wading through a flood of blood & gore. Branching paths keep youguessing as you uncover new secrets, new enemies, and special hidden areas.Like its predecessors, House of the Dead III is a "rail shooter" - a game where the computer controls your movement (as if you were in a rail car) while you aim and shoot at the enemies on the screen.You can play the PC version with a mouse, but for the most enjoyment I strongly recommend getting a light gun (or two) and playing this game the way it was meant to be played.Most critics of this game (and of rail shooters in general) complain about the fact that this isn't a typical First Person Shooter. "This game sucks because you can't go wherever you want". But that's like saying "Need for Speed" sucks because you can't get out of the car and shoot people, like you can in "Grand Theft Auto". These are two different *genres*. "Need for Speed" is a racing game, pure and simple. "Grand Theft Auto" is not.Likewise, "House of the Dead III" is a light gun rail shooter, not an FPS. And it should be judged on its merits as such, instead of in comparison to games of a different genre.So, if you like Light Gun games, you'll love this one. The graphics are great, and the gameplay is pure Sega Arcade Goodness. The voice acting is what you'd expect from the "House of the Dead" series (cheesy writing, bad acting), but the attempted seriousness of some of the dialog makes it sound a little worse than previous games.

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StrangerThis real-time strategy game brings you to the dark and light sides of a fantasy world and features a wide variety of characters.Developers Fireglow Software have come up with something quite surprising in their magic and fantasy PC title Stranger. It has what I would consider to be found less and less of late, something often overlooked in place of (fair enough) gameplay and graphical finesse. But Fireglow have been careful to give themselves as much of a head start as possible in winning over the gaming masses by including for our collective pleasure a rather excellent plot.I like it a lot - apparently it's based on an existentialist novel of the same name by a French writer called Albert Camus who I had not previously heard of, but with a bit of research it seems that the game has stayed true to the intricate plot, changing only some names and locations. Basically, you play the part of three separate characters lost in a mysterious world that you have been cast into by the town council, after your innocent experimentation with highly forbidden magic. The three of you aren't the best of friends but, as strangers in a foreign land, you are reluctantly forced to cooperate in your efforts to return home and execute justice on your persecutors. Unfortunately, the execution of this tale of deception is not well done. Still cartoon scenes move things along, made up of simplistically drawn characters and voiced over by what sounds like the developer's janitor at the last minute (take a monotone and completely non-threatening "I will come back and eat your hearts." as an example). It's a real shame that more effort wasn't put into this and although money isn't always readily available to create Hollywood FMV sequences, there is a huge amount of room for improvement in the style and presentation chosen here.I've never been one for immediately classifying a game into its respective genre; for one thing, it can encourage scepticism and apprehension (mention 'text based adventure' to anybody aside from UNIX users and they're running for the polygonal hills, yet it's unlikely they've ever actually given one a go!), but Stranger just begs to be a bold outcast when it comes to its definition. At heart it's a real-time strategy and a role-playing game, with elements of both showing through in different proportions depending on the task at hand. Think of Blizzard's excellent Diablo hack n' slash combat system and the wonderful visual style of underrated classic RPG Silver, and somewhere in between you get Stranger. It's a decent effort at least to defy convention and works at a certain level to achieve a blend of monster bashing and item collection with party-based gameplay into the bargain, and has qualities to satisfy fans of a range of related games.You begin your quest for justice in the hideous gnarled form of a mutant creature after being hurled into the portal to the desolate land from which you must escape. You are however told, much to your dismay, that nobody has ever willingly returned from this land and the only way out is through an unstoppable, unspeakable beastie who would make toothpicks out of you in your current state. Also separated from your fellow outcasts, you are alone for now and left to figure out where to go. Luckily there's a tutorial to play through, which gives you the basics of the gameplay.The first few levels lead you by the hand and around the map with arrows all over the place, so it's pretty impossible to get lost, but the environments are not open-ended enough to actually wander off anywhere anyway, at least for most of the game. This tight level design is in line with the objective-based gameplay, ensuring you don't lose too much direction. Objectives aren't the most original, ranging from killing another small army of inexplicably aggressive insectoid life forms or hiring yet another solider for your party once you have amassed enough crystal. These soldiers can be found loitering around small townsteads and will help you as you slash and stab your way to the next objective.It's pretty apparent from early on that there's trouble ahead with the control system, particularly the inventory interface, which is often struggled with in RPGs. Combat is just verging on the side of being interesting but did not once truly feel like I was in a fight, my hero just standing there repeating the same animation until whatever he's striking at falls over dead, ready to be looted. The game's currency comes in the form of three different crystals that are found around the lands and carried by most of its inhabitants (including, as I always find strange, the monsters) and transferring amounts of these crystals between yourself and recipients is an awkward and cumbersome task, requiring fiddly sliders and selections. The action can be paused at any time so this isn't too big a deal, although it would have been wise to implement more accessibility. These crystals are also magical; each grants the ability to cast certain spells, either to harm or manipulate the enemy is some way, or to bolster you and your team's strengths of defence. Further to this you can mix various crystals to create new combinations, like cyan crystals for example, which allows you to cast a rather nasty ice shard spell.One thing I do quite like is the environments. They are very well detailed for a game with such a simple engine (there are no physics or active environments present) and the little buildings and fauna have a wonderful charm. NPCs are rudimentarily animated, but smoothly so, and there are a lot of creatures to hack through, all of which are very interesting designs from your standard 'low experience' bugs to giant spidery monstrosities. There are some very cool boss designs too, which I won't spoil. All in there are over one hundred monster designs and I have to credit Fireglow on this, as that's a lot of beasties to pen down - there's a hell of a lot of work in between conceptual design and the final production of a creature, from visual design and texturing to animation, so credit is due here. The sound is very pleasing to the ear too, with a very good ambient soundtrack keeping the atmosphere up, along with some well-conceived creature snarls and roars.While I was playing Stranger I had the impression of playing a game a that is a few years old, but this isn't necessarily a bad thing - I was remembering moments from classics I had played in the past that took me through many great evenings of cloak and dagger wand wielding. It's not easy to create a convincing universe and then bring it to life; players demand immersion these days, as RPGs take a lot of effort to get into, but the RTS element here eases you along by keeping you occupied while the RPG elements sink in. It's a great experience when you feel totally involved in what you are doing and the reward is feeling like you have actively changed something within that world. Stranger is nearly too much effort to get this much out of it, although there is charm it is saturated by oversights such as the mediocre cut scenes. When you are attempting to implement two gameplay styles then you'd better be careful that there are no distractions or irritations to the player, or the tentative grip a game has to build upon will be lost. Stranger is still just clutching out with a gauntleted hand.
Password: freshwap.net

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Sonic Riders Direct Link


If Need Password Check It: www.Tinydl.com

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Unreal Tournament 3

The UT games have never been about single-player action, but like in the previous games, there is a campaign mode in UT3. It's a series of matches against bots wrapped around a basic but uneventful storyline. The big switch this time around is that Unreal Tournament is no longer a sport. Now it's war, and you play as a character on the hunt for revenge against an evil Necris woman who led an assault against unarmed civilians on your colony. You and the survivors of the attack join up with a corporation, fight to gain territory held by other corporations, and so on. It's little more than a five- to seven-hour training mode to help you get up to speed on the maps and the modes so you can go into multiplayer with a fighting chance. One cool addition is that you can play the campaign mode online with up to three other players. Although joining other humans to combat the artificial-intelligence-controlled bots isn't exactly the most fun you can have in this game, it's more compelling (and easier) when you're playing with other people. You can set the skill level of the bots, too. At the lowest setting, they're complete idiots that won't even bother to turn around and fight you if you start shooting them from behind. The highest setting, godlike, is appropriately stiff, though not entirely impossible. It's just tough to fight against opponents who rarely miss.The maps you'll see in the single-player campaign are the same maps you'll see online, at least until the mod-making scene shifts into high gear. You'll get into matches using a typical PC-style server browser, but the game tries to keep you away from a full list of every server running by moving you through some console-game-style menus to filter down to the gametype you want to see. UT3 comes with six different modes of play. Deathmatch is the standard free-for-all battle. Team deathmatch, as you'd expect, breaks you up into two teams. Duel is a one-on-one mode where two players go at it while other players spectate. All three of these modes are played on the same set of deathmatch-friendly maps. UT3 also has a standard capture-the-flag mode, complete with the translocator, the teleporter gun that has made UT's take on CTF stand apart from most others. There's a new vehicle CTF mode, which takes the standard CTF concept and places it onto larger battlefields. As the name suggests, you have a number of vehicles that you can use toward your goal of grabbing the opposing team's flag and getting it back to your base. The largest mode is called warfare, and like onslaught mode before it, it's played on even bigger maps, with more vehicles.Warfare is a node-based mode where each team has a base with a power core that needs to be damaged and destroyed for a victor to be declared. The power core is linked to other nodes at various spots in the map. You must push forward, capture nodes, and link them together until you've got your team's nodes linked to the opposing team's base. At that point, you can damage the enemy core and, ideally, blow up it for a victory. There's a ton of pushing and shoving back and forth across the map when two great teams square off, and it's also the most strategic mode. It differs from onslaught mode by offering secondary objectives, like unlinked nodes that can be captured to give a team forward spawn points and access to more vehicles and a countdown node that will occasionally drain energy from the enemy core if you control it. Each of the objective-based team modes comes with its own set of maps.Overall, the map quality is high, with plenty of symmetrical, interesting level layouts for the objective-based modes. One deathmatch map, called Gateway, has multiple areas that look really different, all of which are linked together with portals. You'll also get a new remake of the classic Unreal map Deck. Furthermore, the Unreal mod community has always been pretty rabid, so you know it's just a matter of time before someone makes one of those "giant world" levels where you can hide in a sink drain and snipe people with an instagib shock rifle while they float down into the bottom of a bathtub. Yes, that's right, the instagib mode is also back in the game, along with a handful of other basic mutators you can use to make quick changes to any of the modes.The weapons in Unreal Tournament 3 should be old hat to anyone familiar with the series. The shield gun has been ditched in favor of the impact hammer, and your default weapon is the slow-firing enforcer pistol, but beyond that, the weapon differences feel limited to minor balance changes. The bio rifle's gooey projectiles seem to do more damage, which makes it somewhat more useful. The secondary fire on the flak cannon seems as if it flies out at a slightly higher, slower arc, which forces you to make a few changes to how you aim. But again, the changes are minor. The rocket launcher can still lock on, the sniper rifle is still great fun for headshots, and the redeemer is still a huge missile that you can guide into targets to cause a nice, big blast that's handy in some of the larger vehicle CTF games. But when isn't a large explosion handy?The other gameplay changes also feel relatively minor. Recent UT games have employed an adrenaline counter, which built up as you killed enemies or collected large pills around each level. When the meter was full, you could activate a special ability, such as invisibility or regeneration. This system isn't present in UT3. Also, the rules for double-jumping after a dodge move seem to have been altered a bit. Again, these are minor differences that don't really get in the way or drastically change the overall feel of the game, but they're noteworthy just the same. A more dramatic difference is the hoverboard, which is in vehicle CTF and warfare. The hoverboard lets you pick up a little more speed, which is useful on the larger battlefields. The catch is that getting hit while on your board knocks you over, which gives enemies more than enough time to finish you off as your character slowly arises from the ground. You can even do tricks while on the board, which isn't useful for gameplay purposes but is still totally rad.Unreal Tournament 3 uses Unreal Engine 3, the same basic set of tools that powered Gears of War. As such, this is a really great-looking game on high-end machines. But even if your PC isn't top of the line, the game scales better than most, giving you a playable experience on midrange machines as well. But, of course, the game is at its best when you're exceeding the game's minimum requirements, in situations where you can run at a high resolution and still get a great frame rate. It supports widescreen resolutions, but playing in widescreen actually gives you a smaller view of the overall action, given that the game appears to cut off the top and bottom of the 4:3 view to fit it onto a wider monitor. UT3 certainly isn't the first PC game to have this problem, but given its highly competitive nature, cutting off parts of the screen seems to be a pretty bad solution.















































































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Worldwide Boxing Manager

Worldwide Boxing Manager - one of a few games, , makes it possible to feel himself by great promouterom and to bring up his own champions, pokruche the football shirt Of Tyson. To players it is proposed to dip into boxer zakulis'e itself to study all his back streets. To the beginning Don for King it is necessary to select good trainers, talented personnel, to negotiate about the conducting are combat to actively advertise them. Directly during the battle it is possible to visit the role of the trainer: to change tactics, to give valuable indications to its under wardship. Special features of the product: * entire peace of boxing - spinup, management, training and matches! * 3 professional boxer federations, several weight categories * under the beginning of player - to 20 athletes * the possibility not only to select from those existing, but also to create its own boxers! Minimum system requirements: * the operating system Microsoft® Windows® 2000/.KHP * processor Pentium® OF III 1 GHz or analogous Athlon® * 256 MB. of the working storage * 500 MB. of vacant place on the hard disk * 3d- video adapter with the memory 128 MB., compatible with DirectX® 9..0c (GeForceFX 5200 or Radeon 9500) * the sonic device, compatible with DirectX® 9.0s * DirectX® 9..0c * device for reading of the CDSJust extract the archives and burn/mount with your favorite software.Install, copy our cracked content from CD to game dir then play.

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Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos: Yugi the Destiny

Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos: Yugi the DestinyBeyond dueling with the AI, there isn't anything else to Power of Chaos--no story mode, no multiplayer, nothing.Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos: Yugi the Destiny is a card game ported onto the computer. It got mixed reviews, but I like it! Download, unzip and just double click on yugi_pc.exe to play.....Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos - Yugi the Destiny, Konami's latest title to bear the license of Kazuki Takahashi's popular anime, is little more than a bare-bones digital version of the collectible card game upon which the franchise is founded. For Yu-Gi-Oh! fans, the meager options make it less attractive than one of Konami's dozen or so other, more fully featured Yu-Gi-Oh! games, and to players who don't already have an investment in the series, it has about as much to offer as a game of solitaire.

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Yu-Gi-Oh! Online

Yu-Gi-Oh! Online does just enough to please the devoted Yu-Gi-Oh! fans that are already out there, but not much more.Yu-Gi-Oh! Online is basically the best thing that Konami has done with Kazuki Takahashi's dangerously popular, tween-focused franchise since it started cranking out lo-fi Yu-Gi-Oh! games some six years ago. The ability to play the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game against other Yu-Gi-Oh! enthusiasts over the Internet is the only thing that separates this game from the seemingly hundreds of thousands of Yu-Gi-Oh! card-battling games released before. For established Yu-Gi-Oh! fans, whom this game was tailored almost exclusively for, it will be enough.Yu-Gi-Oh! Online is not a terribly inclusive game. It makes a lot of assumptions about your familiarity with not just the overall card-battling philosophy, but also with the mechanical minutiae of the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game, and the smattering of in-game assistance is largely limited to helping you navigate the interface. There is some online explanation of how the game is played, but this quasitutorial comes off as dense and convoluted. If you don't know how to play Yu-Gi-Oh!, but you at least have experience with another collectible card game, you can reasonably assume that you'll pick up the specifics as you go. However, if you have no collectible card game experience whatsoever, you're better off picking up one of the older, offline Yu-Gi-Oh! card games on the cheap, as the competition is downright merciless online, and the suspicious pricing model doesn't really encourage trial by fire.But if you already know what's up, Yu-Gi-Oh! Online makes it easy for you to quickly jump into a game. When you first create your account, you're given a random deck of 40 cards and then you're dumped into a lobby, where you can either directly challenge another player, or just let the game match you up with another player. You will be matched up with other players of the same level, but since those level designations are inexplicably reset at the beginning of each month, it stands to reason that you're most likely going to face a more evenly matched player at the end of the month than at the beginning.
Size: 940 MB

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Card Master

Card Master is a fun collection of the following card games:ArlingtonBeziqueCanastaCometDurokEuchreExactaFantanFunnyGameGermanWhistKlabberjassKnavesOh!HellScotchWhistSkatSpadesSpiteandMaliceTablanetteWarWhistZetema

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SolSuite 2007 7.8

SolSuite 2007 is a high-quality collection of 470 solitaire games. All your favorite games are here: Spider, Klondike, FreeCell, Pyramid, Golf, Busy Aces, Canfield, Forty Thieves, Four Seasons, Carpet, Flower Garden, Rouge et Noir, Monte Carlo; along with original solitaires that you cannot find elsewhere.
Each solitaire has more than nine trillion possible shuffles, so the game remains fresh, no matter how many times you play. Enjoy the detailed statistics of each game with graphs, 3D charts (pies and bars) and tables to estimate your skill level (by total, current session, series of wins and losses, players' games won, players' score, hi-scores...), statistics for All Games, Won games, Not Won games, Over Average, Under Average, Not Played...For solitaire lovers, SolSuite 2007 is a guaranteed pleasure. Each game is fun and exciting, and will keep you entertained for hours. If you like solitaire games, then you'll want to add SolSuite 2007 to your collection!

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NBC Heads Up Poker

Play the desktop version of NBC's popular Texas Hold 'Em poker tournament where players compete head-to-head to win! Choose and customize your player as you compete against powerful and cunning opponents in the traditional 64 player bracket! You have full control over how you play. Will you be reckless and aggressive or will you play it tight and consider your every bet? It's all up to you! There are a million ways to win the tournament - but only the best can be a champion!
System Requirements:
OS: Windows XPMemory: 256 MBDirectX: 9.0c or later
CPU: P800Video: 64MB DirectX Compatible Video Card

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Mystical Solitaire

All of your favorite classic solitaire games in one. Play these timeless games, set in the fantastic woodland backdrop of the Mystical Forest.In this new twist on a traditional game, the focus is on smooth game play, beautiful visual effects and pleasant music. Mystical Solitaire is quickly becoming the most downloaded solitaire game in the world!Six games in one!Klondike The classic Solitaire game.Freecell The popular, and easy 4-cell game.Spider The most challenging game there is.Tri Peaks An unforgetable layout, and speedy game play.Yukon An interesting vairation on classic solitaire.Golf Fore! Or should we say, Fun!
System requirements:
Windows 9x/ME/2000/XP400 MHz128 MB RAM

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Ancient Tripeaks

You can be a novice or an expert, you'll still be able to find your way to make history in this take on the old solitaire favorite, tripeaks. Clear away layers of cards as you experience the passing of eons. With eight different games to choose from, this stunning game has something for everyone.
* Choose your deck of cards.*
8 different game choices.*
Useful tutorials.

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World Series Of Poker 2008

World Series Of Poker 2008Enter the largest sporting event in the world -- the World Series of Poker -- and battle "The Poker Brat" Phil Hellmuth along the way! Build your bankroll and face off against some of the world's top pros in your quest to win the championship bracelet for the $10,000 Main Event!Face off against big name poker players as you try to win tournaments all around the world.
Installation Notes- Unpack- Mount/Burn-
Passwrd: freshwap.net

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Kane & Lynch: Dead Men

Kane & Lynch: Dead MenBasically I guess if you like Freedom Fighters you will like this - It's more or less it with graphics from hitman (which might be updated a bit but I personally like them)The game has good story, comparing to Hitman, I never really knew why I'm doing what I'm doing - There was one motive - the money. Now in Kane & Lynch there is a sequance of not really resonable missions but it is cinematic style adventure (sort of). And I would say it is engaging to follow the story in K&L rather than finding a new way to kill yakuza boss in Hitman (although the latter at least take more time). Too bad they never really took the guilt thing further and than gave you two negative endings in style of Infernal Affairs only here you it feels even less satisfying. Take the "1408" movie - they changed ending to please the audience. We already don't like the main character, why would we torture him more?Cinematic feelThere are some great things to do - rob a bank, break people ot of prison, rapel from the top of the building to blow the meeting and than escape in the same style as in "The Heat" - almost because you don't have alternatives, police will always spot you no matter you do, and you can't do the tactict of run-while-other-guy-reloadAlso there is a crowded disco scene, stopping the plane and escaping a certain death. I would say it is comparable to COD4, K&L is not as nice but its closeGameplayYou might notice some realistic feature - bullets do not always fly where your crosshair is point, dah its not laser. Also firing burst is less accurate than single shot. I have to agree that it is a little flawed, a silenced pistol will be much more accurate that rifle with single shot, but it was hardly a issue.The most dissapointing part was absolutely no alternatives - I mean really destructible wall are nice but than you might want to go somewhere else, do something else that kill everything that moves and is not on your sideAll in all it is a nice attempt that might suit Freedom Fighters and Hitman fans, otherwise you might feel really bad after completing the game
Password: www.daily-warez.org

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Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights

Juiced 2: Hot Import NightsIt isn't hard to figure out where Juice Games got the inspiration for this game because the similarities to the 'Need for Speed'-series are plenty. The only thing this game doesn't offer is an open world and a storyline. The rest, like races, time trails and drifs events, is all there. Luckily they didn't just copy it all. They added some twists to the races to keep it all interesting. For example, there's a "Last Man Standing" mode in wich you're out of the race once you touch the wall and also a "Drift Obliterator" mode in wich the goal isn't to score as many points as possible, but to go as fast a possible while scoring a minimum number of points each round. A nice addition to the regular races!On top of the large number of racemodes, it's also possible to spice a race up by closing a bet with a competitor. This allows you to make (sometimes large) amounts of money, even when you don't finish first. You just have to stay in front of that one other car. For some events, you won't be racing for money, but duelling for the pink slips of your car. A nice (or sometimes painful) feature here is that when you should lose your car to another driver, you might spot them driving YOUR car around. Of course, this also means you will be able to win it back by rechallenging that driver.The car lot of this game is pretty big. For starters you can only choose between the lighter models but as you rise up in rank, you'll come across supercars like Aston Martins and Corvettes. Juiced wouldn't be Juiced if you didn't have the option to tune your rides. As usual, you can adjust both the visuals and performance of your vehicle. For the visuals, like for the cars, you don't have many options at the start of the game. By winning races you can earn "Visual Unlocks" with wich you can unlock (duh!) some visual modifications. The modifications could be special doors, decalpacks and so on. Once unlocked, you can go out and use it all on your brand new ride.The editor in wich you do this is handy and easy to use, so you won't have to spend hours to create something decent.To enhance the performance of your car your have three basic packs per level. If you want to install the more advanced packs, you'll have to unlock them by doing small challenges first. This way you can choose wich packs you want and wich ones you don't want. It's just a shame that you won't be using this a lot since it's usually cheaper to sell your old car and buy a new one than to upgrade your current four-wheeled beast in order to get into a higher rank. There is one more special element and that's the "Prototype" parts. These parts give a serious performanceboost but they're only available when a car has reached it's maximum class and in you have "Prototype Unlocks" wich you can earn by winning races.So we've established that it all looks good, but you're probably wondering how these machines drive. Well, if you're not expecting to play a hyperrealistic simulator and you look at the game for the arcade racer it is, you'll find that it rides pretty smooth. It's not a tragedy if you bump into a wall or an opponent sometimes (it's even 'the way to go' in a certain mode) but on the other hand there is one small glitch concerning the tire wall. If you hit it with just a little bit of speed you're car will bounce to the other wall as if it were catapulted out of a giant slingshot. Result: from the tire wall to the other side in less then half a second. If however you can control your car a bit, you won't find it too troubling and sometimes even helpful. Something that's really good in this game is the drifting. If you are too wild, you'll end up pointless against a wall, but again, if you can control your car, you'll be drifting like the pro's.After a race the game has an original way of showing you where you can improve: the "Driver DNA", wich is determined by processing all race data. For instance you can see how cold or how wreckless you take your turns. Also, you can look up the DNA from your buddies and hire them to join your crew. In crew races, the computer will simulate their driving style according to this DNA.
Password: www.warez.h2o.pl

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The Club

The Club seeks to bring something new to the shooter genre by adding some of the racing and style game mechanics Bizarre has become famous for in the Project Gotham Racing series. The game isn't just about taking down as many targets as possible; it's just as important to do it quickly and with flair. Points are given for each kill with more awarded based on where you shoot the enemy, how far away you are from the victim, and how difficult of a take down it is. If that's not enough to think about, there's also a combo multiplier that goes up with each kill but continuously ticks down in between. Each stage lasts no more than a few minutes as you race through a closed course to gun down as many enemies as you can, staying true to the arcade feeling of the game.If you're not the type of gamer who obsesses over high scores, there really is no reason for you to pick up The Club. The main single player game, called the tournament, can be completed in under three hours and after that there's nothing to do except to replay the stages again and again. Of course, that's the point and you'll have to do it if you want to perfect your game and get the high score, but I can't help but find the game a bit shallow -- a one trick pony. After beating the game and going back to replay some stages, I didn't feel hooked by the game at all.The Club claims to have five different types of events, but they essentially boil down to just two. Whether you're tasked with reaching an exit, reaching an exit under a certain time, or running several laps around a loop while killing to get extra time, the gameplay is identical. You won't do well in any of them if you don't move quickly to keep your combo up, so who cares if there's also a game clock? The other two events, siege and survivor, are so similar I thought they were the same thing until I was most of the way through the game.So the game is really all about killing a lot of targets as fast as you can, regardless of the different ways Bizarre wants to present it. The enemies appear in the same places each time through one of the stages, as do the bonus targets hanging on walls that can be used to extend your combo meter, so it's possible to memorize each course and plan out a perfect route for maximum points. In this way, an obsessive person can find hours and hours of gameplay. Learning when to sprint and when to pause to shoot is the first step, but you can take it further. Since some enemy targets are worth more points than others and they often appear in clusters, the order you shoot them can affect your final score. Then if you want to get truly obsessive, you can go back through the levels and search for hidden targets planted in odd places in each stage.

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