Worms Forts: Under Siege
Team 17's newest game in the Worms series will have you building structures strategically in addition to blowing up your wormy foes.
The big new change to Worms Forts is related to the "forts" part (and the "!" part, if you like). Essentially, you'll have to construct a network of buildings outward from an initial stronghold, and these buildings will determine both where you can attack from and what you can attack with. There are different kinds of buildings that you can build based on location and resources, and once you've got a building planted and you're ready to make your worm attack from it, you'll pop up a window that shows the available weaponry for that building.
There's a sizable strategic element to Worms Forts' building system, because the chain of buildings extending from your stronghold acts as a sort of supply line. If you destroy a particular building in a chain, any buildings beyond it that aren't otherwise linked to your stronghold will become inoperable. This mechanic will make sure tactically skilled players are mindful of the way they build their buildings--a straight line of buildings is a very bad idea, for instance, but a diamondlike configuration will make sure you can still use the maximum number of structures should you lose one of your buildings.